Portinvest Representatives Attend International Finance Corporation (IFC) Conference
Portinvest Representatives Attend International Finance Corporation (IFC) Conference
15 Aug 2019

Representatives of more than 25 Ukrainian and foreign companies, including from the UK, Qatar, China, the USA, Turkey, France, Switzerland, South Korea and Japan, participated in a conference for potential participants in the concessionaire selection of SE “Stevedoring Company ( SC) "Olvia" and SE "Kherson Sea Commercial Port" (KHMTP).

The potential concessionaires at the conference were port operators, cargo owners and international traders. All of them are either experienced in the Ukrainian or foreign port sector, or interested in creating or developing their own transshipment facilities in Ukrainian ports. These companies include Dniprocargo, Ukrrichflot, Metinvest, Nibulon, Portinvest, Mitsubishi Corparation (Japan), China Harbor Engineering (China), Bunge (United States), POSCO Daewoo (Korea) , COFCO Agri Ukraine (China) and others.

The event was organized by International Finance Corporation (IFC). The opening of the conference was attended by the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan, and. at. AMPU chairman Raivis Vetcahans, IFC regional manager for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova Jason Brett Pelmar and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) infrastructure and energy director for Ukraine Mark Magaletsky.

The Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan noted that the feasibility studies of the pilot projects of the concession were developed in accordance with the current legislation, so the competition for the selection of concessionaires can be conducted regardless of the adoption of the new draft law on concessions (# 8125). "If the new law is passed, some aspects will become more applicable," he added.

SC Olvia SC and KhMTP SC are among the state-owned enterprises where pilot projects of public-private partnership (concession) are being implemented. The announcement of the concession tenders is expected by the end of this year. Feasibility studies for pilot projects of Olvia State Property Concession and HMTP were developed by a consortium of international consultants formed by the EBRD and IFC. Pilot projects for concession of state inspectors approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure on June 23, 2016.

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